Investing for Beginners , investing Investors have very short memories.
Roman Abramovich

Investment Objectives for Beginners

The full investment objectives for beginners are very individual parameters. They were already mentioned briefly in article about benefits of investment. However, the basic investment objective is one - to make capital work efficiently.

Regardless of whether the value of investments will increase, whether investments will pay some dividends, the main objective is total capital increase over long term from all the sources.

While some people may enjoy investing as a hobby, for the absolute majority of investors the investment objectives are related to increase of the wealth.

There are two main investment efficiency objectives:

  •     To achieve higher investment return.
  •     To reduce investment portfolio risk.

All other investment objectives are needed only to achieve a better performance of those two objectives. For beginners investment objectives are also the same, just beginners should pay more attention to make sure that they are over the control of chosen risk level.

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