Finance Management
Financial management, asset management, investment management, wealth management in fact are similar processes only called in different names. An investments definition may include both financial assets and real assets, that mean the investment management is the broader concept, than only property management, but often they are just confused with each other. It is true that financial management can include corporate cash management, which one is not directly related to the investment.
Many companies offer investment and finance management services. The invested funds usually are trusted for manager, which takes all the investment decisions independently, and only provides reports of done work for the owner. Sometimes, the owner requests for the participation in the investment process for him, but it’s not so common in day-to-day decisions.
If you want to choose the best finance management provider, it is particularly important to ensure about financial manager competence and the ability to do work properly. It is equally important what fees are applied for the financial (investment) management. Normally, management (asset-based) fee is charged, which is some percentage of the invested amount, or success fee which is calculated as a percentage of the value increment. If the success fee is taken, it is important to note how it is calculated and what level of risk is chosen, because such a tax tends to increase the risk of investment portfolio.
And is very important to watch what investing products are selected for the investment portfolio, and what fees are charged from those products before they got to your portfolio. Because the investment (finance) manager can earn not only from direct fees that you know, but also from products that constitutes your investment portfolio (for example heavily charged investment funds).