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Investment Consultant


An investment consultant is a job position in financial companies. Main functions of investment consultant:

  • Help private investors to make a proper investment strategy according to investors risk tolerance.
  • Advise how to react under difficult financial market conditions.
  • Explain properly for the investor about all the risks that he is facing.
  • Help to choose proper investments.
  • Explain about economical situation and possible future scenarios.
  • Try to maximize client’s investment portfolio return at predetermined risk level (not to exceed it in any case).


Of course, that is what a real investment consultant should do in theory. In practice, however, investment consultants are well trained professional sellers of investment products, who are trying just to reflect all the functions mentioned above.


Sometimes investment consultant may take over investment manager’s functions, but it depends on country’s practice and regulations. An investment adviser may be an investment consultant as well. 


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