Investment DictionaryEquity Investors
Equity investors are investors that are investing in equity investments: listed stocks or similar ownership securities, stock funds, unlisted stock stakes or other half-equity strategies (equity loan, mezzanine funding, convertible bonds etc.)
Private equity investors are similar to equity investors, but private equity investors usually are investing in non-listed companies and don’t buy stocks from stock exchange.
Another pole to equity investment is fixed income investment. Either equity investing either fixed income investing has its advantages. Equity investments are of course are much riskier but in other hand more profitable. Bond holders may feel safer for some period, but the reality is that during long term bonds are always threatened by inflation and over decades a lot of things may happen that could trigger devaluation of the currency in real terms. | Recommended Topics Investment psychology gains momentum in contemporary business world Balance Sheet Most Popular Articles Investing in Gold (I) Investing in Gold (II) Investing in Uncertain Period