Investment DictionaryCompany Valuation
Company valuation is the same as business valuation. The only difference between company valuation and business valuation may occur if value of company’s stocks has to be determined instead of the whole business value (enterprise value). The value of business and value of company’s equity (stocks) differs by net cash amount.
For stock valuation two main methods are used: relative valuation and DCF valuation. If you have more particular questions consider hiring professional valuation consultants.
Valuation of the company should be performed only by valuation professionals because the market value of a company is very sensitive to many variables, and if the value of a company was calculated a while ago, it is very probable that now value of the same company is completely different, because the target value depends not only on the financials of the company but also on financial market conditions. | Recommended Topics Investment psychology gains momentum in contemporary business world Balance Sheet Most Popular Articles Investing in Gold (I) Investing in Gold (II) Investing in Uncertain Period