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Investing in Gold (II)
The upper limit of the price is even more difficult. In our times gold is not founded in streams as was shown in the movies. Now gold is mined from the deep earth and separated from gold dust, metal ore or rock. In natur
Bear Market
A bear market is a market trend when investment market is decreasing over longer period and is believed to decrease in the future. Bear market is a well known term in the investment world and is opposite to bull
stock market crash
A stock market crash is a investing term used to describe fast and sharp decrease of all or almost all stock prices on the exchange. However, there is no exact definition how long and how strong market fall shoul
Value Penny Stocks
Value penny stocks are stocks that have characteristics of both: value stock and penny stock. Investment in value penny stocks isn’t very popular, because stock investors who seek for safety invest in norma
Margin Trading
Margin trading is trading in securities when part of the investment portfolio is financed by borrowed money (the other part by your own capital). For example, you have investment portfolio of value $20k, end you
Margin Call
Buying on Margin Costs of Buying Stocks on Margin Margin Call The Pros and Cons Psychology: Is it worth? Margin call is a fabulous term which carries some mysticism. However, there is nothing
Bearish is attitude of an investor if investor expects market to go down in the near future. Most often term bearish is applied for stock investments when is believed that stocks are going to decrease in value. T
Risk Tolerance
Risk tolerance is a characteristic that describes the investor and his ability to withstand losses from investments. The higher risk tolerance of investor the more losses he/she may handle. Investm
Investment Bubble
Investment bubble is a jump in price of particular investment when price starts increasing faster and faster as long as the price reaches its peak and falls down to a similar to previous level, if there are no ot
(1) Market liquidity is a characteristic of a security or other traded investment that shows how easy it is convertible in to cash at a market value. Usually when investor decides to sell some investment and