Investing for Beginners , investing Wisdom outweighs any wealth.

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Investing in Gold (II)
The upper limit of the price is even more difficult. In our times gold is not founded in streams as was shown in the movies. Now gold is mined from the deep earth and separated from gold dust, metal ore or rock. In natur

Investing in Africa
Investing in Africa even sounds a little extreme. But investing in Africa not only sound extremely - it is like this in fact. If we would distinguish developed and emerging markets, then most of the Africa’s countr

Problems in Greece: Is It Going to End?
  Greece sounds like a curse for all investors and all other participants of the financial market. Yes, it is a small country compared to the global or European economy by the size of a GDP or other economical indi

What means long term in investing?
When I talk to non-professional investors, I often get surprised on their interpretation of ‘long-term investment’. Of course, everyone wants to enjoy their lives and to do it fast, while not many are ready t

Tips to let small business investments take off
  Studies show that small business investments peter out or fall by the wayside within the first two to three years after the owners have started investing and operating. Lack of planning, management skill, or tech

(Are you looking for investment definition?)   Investments are instruments that allow us to receive a higher amount of money than was spent. If someone spends 10 euros or dollars and he knows that he will receive

  Investing - what is that exactly? Probably you have heard many different definitions of investing. However, what is the essence of it? The essence is very simple: investing - a present sacrifice for the future.If

Investing 10
Read the Top 10 most important things that you should do and 10 things that you should do not during investment process.   Those are the most important investing rules and you have to know and remember them. Of co

Investment in Stocks
Stocks (shares) are investments that attract the most attention in financial markets, and perhaps stocks are worth it, because investors can expect the highest return from stocks among the range of traditional investme

Investing for Beginners
  Investing can seem a hard thing to do for beginners. But investing for beginners isn‘t any harder than other things in the beginning. Many processes can look difficult until you don‘t know what is hid

Investing for Retirement
Investing for retirement may be one of the most reasonable investment objectives. Sometimes, people invest so they can afford expensive things that they otherwise could not afford without investing. For example

Investing for Beginners - Trading Account
  a href="">Investing for beginners helps on many questions that every investor should solve in beginning of investment process or before it. One of such starting questions sho

Investment in Cash
Bank (saving) Accounts, Deposits, Deposit Certificates, Treasure Bills, Money Market Funds When we are talking about investment, cash is not only the real paper (or metal) money that are held in the wallet or under the

Asset Management
Definition    Asset management which also is called as investment management has many similarities to finance management but investment management is more specific and narrow area of finance. Invest

Investment in Futures
  Futures - derivative financial instruments, which can help to acquire some object in the future with pre-agreed price.In the case of futures, the seller undertakes to sell the object, while the buyer to purchase

Investment in Forwards
Forwards – derivative financial instruments almost identical to the future contracts. This contract represents the parties committed to sell and buy the object at the predetermined time and price.Difference between

Investment in Swaps
  Swaps - an investment tool used rarely at investing process. Typically, these contracts are used by financial institutions or other big companies in order to exchange cash flows in different currencies. In fact,

Market Timing at Investing
Investing During Change of Economic Cycles - Market Timing Investment Strategy  Market timing is capturing of investment price movements "waves" trying to sell high and buy cheap. Simple as that.  Still it onl

Investing in Funds
Investment Funds Strategy   Indeed, investing in mutual funds is not complete investment strategy, but only a part of it, or more precisely, only the choice of investment instrument. For example, if the strategy d

Investing Benefits For Beginners
Is the investment really worth it? Many investing beginners ask a question: why to invest?  There can be different answers. Some might even say that is not worth to invest. Why let your money into uncertainty if yo

Finance Management
  Financial management, asset management, investment management, wealth management in fact are similar processes only called in different names. An investments definition may include both financial assets and real

Investment Definition
  Investment definition may have two meanings:   1) An investment as a process (investing) when tangible or financial assets are acquired on purpose to earn more money (or other material benefits) than was s

Investing Definition
  Investing definition is similar to investment definition. Shortly, it is an acquisition of asset made on purpose to profit from it over time.   Investing is a process that may last from very short period a

Investment Techniques
  Investment techniques are some combination of investment strategies and investment tactics. Investment techniques usually are middle term oriented procedures that help to reach some predetermined result. It may i

Investment Decision
  An investment decision is a choice made by investor or investment manager trying to maximize the return and minimize the risk. The every decision maker tries to make the best choice for him, the same time better

Investment Terms
  Investment terms are most popular phrases and word combinations used in investment process. Most of the investment and financial terms you can find on investment dictionary.

Commodity Market
  A commodity market is one of the main financial market parts. Commodities are basic resources that are extracted from earth or are the result from agriculture activities. Some commodities, like cheese are already

  An investor is an individual or corporate unit that invests in any class of investments on purpose to earn some return from invested capital. There may be more criteria to distinguish very small investments

Reverse Stock Split
  Reverse stock split is a merge of existing company’s shares increasing its face value. For several owned shares an investor gets one share depending on reverse split ratio, when total outstanding shares num

Initial Public Offering (IPO)
  An initial public offering (IPO) is a first introduce of company’s shares to the stock market. However, during initial public offering shares are sold not on the stock exchange but on network of clients by

  Flipping is partly an investment strategy, partly a speculation when investor resells acquired property quickly on purpose to get fast profit.    Flipping is most common in IPO’s when retail inv

Investment Tactics
  Investment tactics are the rules for investment actions that help to react on market conditions and achieve more efficient results. Investment tactics deal with lower scale questions than investment strategy, whi

Asset Management
  Asset management is a process when assets acquired, monitored and sold on purpose to achieve optimal investment results. There is no strong difference between investment management and asset management. However,

Stock Exchange
  A stock exchange is an operator/company that takes bids from the sellers and buyers and executes transactions if conditions allow it. Usually stock exchanges offer trading not only for stocks but also for other f

  Securities are financial instruments that represent rights to some assets. Securities can be listed or non-listed. Listed securities are traded on securities exchanges, which commonly are called as stock exchange

Business Valuation
  The goal of business valuation is to determine the correct market value of a business. Usually business valuation is performed by professional valuators / assessors who have required qualifications for the job.&n

Investment Banking Services
Investment banking services are corporate finance services provided by investment banks. Investment banking includes such services like capital rising, securities issuing, IPO’s running, mergers and acquisitions

Diversifiable Risk
  A diversifiable risk is the risk that can be reduced by increasing number of investments in the investment portfolio. For example, company’s risk can easy diversifiable by choosing more companies. Even coun

Investment Strategies
  Investment (investing) strategy – often discussed by both amateur and professional investors, but in fact very rarely encountered. Amateurs usually imagine that they has an investment strategy only after th

Corporate Investment
  A corporate investment is investment made by one corporation into another. All corporations try to keep the growth of the business. Some do it only organically, while others also proceeds mergers & acquisitio

  Investment management is a complete science and if you are expecting to become a professional investment manager in few hours you should get disappointed. However, there are several most important guidelines at i

Investment Performance Measurement
  Many investors are happy about investment managers until the stock market is growing, but when the decline starts investment managers gets only the worst words about their job. However, this is wrong attitud

Investment Management Books
There are many books on the world that teaches how to manage investments. These are few recommendations for you:   Investing for Beginner Exposed, R. Lukosius. Amazing book for beginners or advanced investors wh

Quantitative Investment Management
  Quantitative investment management says, “Don’t worry about investment management, and let to do the job for the computer”.  It is a completely different approach compared to ‘value d

  Deflation is a process opposite to inflation and occurs when inflation is negative. Deflation means that prices of goods and services are decreasing. Such situation when prices are decreasing is not very common i

Stock Valuation
  Stock valuation is very important part of investing in stocks, and this part is the most time consuming and knowledge requiring. Stock valuation is a necessary and main step at stock picking process. The only way

Relative Valuation
Comparative analysis    Relative valuation is stock valuation method that gained its popularity because of simplicity and practical importance. The key principle of relative valuation is about valuation multi

Inventory Turnover Ratio
  Inventory turnover ratio shows how quickly company’s inventory is changing compared to its sales or cost of goods sold. This ratio shows how effectively inventory is managed in company’s production/di

Trading Stocks
  Trading stocks is a process when stocks are bought and sold on the stock market. How differs trading stocks and investing in stocks? Well, it is the same, just is common to think that investing is a long term pro

Equity Trading
  Equity trading is a process when equities are bought and sold through a trading platform. Equity trading is a synonym for trading stocks as equity in investment field is represented by stocks. Investing in equity

Hostile Takeover
  A hostile takeover is an acquisition of a target company when its management doesn’t want the company to be overtaken by another corporation. The target of a hostile takeover may be only listed company whic

Go Public
  Go public means to get company’s shares listed on the stock exchange; the process also called floatation. To go public, company has to hire some investment banking firm that would help to execute an IPO (in

Investment Bubble
  Investment bubble is a jump in price of particular investment when price starts increasing faster and faster as long as the price reaches its peak and falls down to a similar to previous level, if there are no ot

Valuation Consultants
  Valuation consultants are professionals that know everything about the value of an asset or business. The real market value consists of many parts and all of them may have critical importance to the value. Only e

Investment Fund Management
  Investment fund management is not much different from simply investment management or asset management. Investment fund is large investment portfolio and the composition of that portfolio depends on particular fu

Investment Management System
  It is common to understand an investment management system as investment management software that helps in investment portfolio management. While other people believe that investment management system should do t

Investor Education
  Investor education is very important task to make investors achieve better results. It is hard to become the best specialist of investment management in short time but every investor can learn to avoid the main m

Real Estate Investment Management
  Real estate investment management is a management of real estate portfolio. Real estate investments are different from standard investments (securities) and management of real estate investments differs from inve

Investment Management Solutions
  Investment management solutions are not much different from investment management system and most of the times are applied as portfolio management software that helps in administration of investment management pr

Investment Management Consultations
  Investment management consulting is part of investment management business that helps for investors to manage their investments more effectively. Investment management is one of the most crucial step in personal

Investment Management Process
  Investment management process has several functions: Macroeconomics analysis and estimates Research of industry sectors Security picking Asset allocation Market timing Financial news covering Securitie

Smart Investors
  Smart investors can be called investors that do smart decisions at investing process. Of course it is hard to tell what is really smart and what is not. The true is that investing is not about being smart because

Undervalued Stocks
  Undervalued stocks are called those stocks that are believed to have higher target price than their stock price on the exchange. The higher is the difference the more stock is undervalued. If stock price in the m

Finding Investors
  Finding investors might be a hard task if you have no required knowledge for that. Most probably you are looking some business investors or angel investors that would invest in to your business. And the success o

Area Investors
Area investors are local business investors that are investing in their local living area. Area investing has some advantages. The main advantage is that local are investors know the nuances of the place and can be sure

Income Statement
  Income statement (also called statement of operations, profit and loss statement, P&L or other) is one of three main financial statements reported by the companies periodically. Income statement exposes compa

Balance Sheet
  Balance sheet is one of the three main financial statements (others are income statement and cash flow statement). Balance sheet also might be called a statement of financial position because this statement expla

Financial Analysis
  Financial analysis is an important part of investing, especially if investor wants better results from his investments. Of course it is possible to ignore financial analysis and make investment decisions based on

  Return analysis is different from profitability analysis because usually return is measured as a profitability of the assets, investments, capital or other similar asset group but not as a profitability of the re

Financial Planning
  Financial planning is a type of financial analysis of which goal is to predict financial situation of the object in the future. There are two main trends where financial planning can be applied: in corporate fina

Financial Planning Process
  Financial planning process requires the most professionalism and attention to the every detail. While financial planning estimates main financial indicators or financial statements, the process of it includes als

Stocks and Commodities
  You may ask how stocks and commodities related are. And the answer is simple: everything is related and especially in financial markets. Normally, if some of the main asset class (as stocks) looses or gains

Investment Philosophy
  Investment philosophy must include the main rules of the investment management process. It is a type of approach in which investor is tend to believe. Many investors believe in different things and have different

  What is beta? Beta is a ratio that measures volatility of an investment in relation to the whole market. In other words, it shows how the price of stock was changing compared to the whole market. Theoretically,

Real Estate Flipping
  Real estate flipping always gets popular when economical cycle is increasing. It usually coincides with the period of real estate prices boom. It looks very simple when real estate prices are raising and some peo

Insider Trading
  Insider trading is an illegal activity in trading stocks when a stock trader is using information that was not officially disclosed. Such information is called inside information. Such trading is called ‘in

Intangible Assets
  All assets can be classified to three main groups: tangible assets, financial assets and intangible assets. Intangible assets are those assets that aren’t financial and don’t have a real physical form

Financial Ratios
  Financial ratios are ratios that are used in financial analysis or in other words that are using financial data of a company. Such financial data usually is found in financial statements (income statement, balanc

Return on Capital Employed
  Return on capital employed ratio (roce) measures company’s return compared to its employed capital. Return in this case is some kind of profit (mostly EBIT or NOPAT) and the capital employed means equity ca

Days Inventory Outstanding
  ‘Days inventory outstanding’ measures how efficiently company manages its inventory. Inventory often is the main part of working capital and it is very important to managed inventory efficiently. Ther

Load Fee
  'Load fee' is a fee that is paid during the selling process of the mutual fund. The sales load fee is also called as sales fee or distribution fee because normally it is paid by investor during sales-distribution

About Us
  The website INVESTING FOR BEGINNERS EU was created in order to educate investors and other participants of the financial markets in accordance to the highest standards.    Investment process is not re

Internal Rate of Return
  An internal rate of return (IRR) is a ratio used very often to measure a profitability of some investment project. IRR is determined as a discount rate when NPV of the project is equal to zero. If IRR is higher t

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