Investing for Beginners , investing If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem.
J. Paul Getty

Search results

Days Sales Outstanding
  Days sales outstanding (DSO) shows how quickly company collect its money from sales. Usually company doesn’t get paid immediately; depending on business and distributors network such period may be from seve

Debt Coverage Ratio
  Debt coverage ratio (debt service coverage ratio) is a ratio that measures solvency risk and mostly is applied for property projects. There are many debt coverage ratios that are used in financial practice on thi

Times Interest Earned Ratio
  ‘Times interest earned ratio' compares ‘earnings before interest and taxes’ of the company to its interest expenses. Low ratio means that company may be in dangerous situation and its interest e

Last searches: ratio' , portfolio manager , bonds , intangible , Brazil , equity cost and debt cost , investing/ , capital adequacy ratio , ROA , inflation rate , investing , investment , beginners , stocks