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How to Beat the Stock Market
Investing is good, but the real challenge for every portfolio manager is to beat the stock market, or beat the market. Of course the term ‘market’ is not very exact. In reality to beat the market is t
Treynor Ratio
Treynor ratio is another popular ratio that is used to measure the performance of investment portfolio. This ratio compares the excess return (above risk free return) of a portfolio to beta of that portfolio. Whi
Jensens Alpha
Jensen’s alpha is used to measure the performance of an investment portfolio. The higher ratio means better performance of portfolio manager. Basically, this Jensen’s ratio shows the above market port
Sharpe Ratio
Sharpe ratio measures the above risk free performance of investment portfolio in relation to its risk. This ratio was developed by William F. Sharpe which introduced the ratio in 1966. Now Sharpe ratio is the mos
Performance Based Compensation
Performance based compensation is a form of compensation for the investment management work depending on quality of results. Performance base compensation is very common in investment management industry and help
Fund Manager
A fund manager is an employee of investment management company which is responsible for the management of the fund’s assets. Most of the times, more than one person is involved in fund’s management bu
portfolio manager
A portfolio manager is an investment professional that takes over the management of an investment portfolio. There are many types of managed investment portfolios: mutual funds, pension funds, insurance funds, po