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Replacement Cost Valuation
Replacement cost valuation method is not very popular at stock valuation. Most of the investors are picking stocks with help of relative valuation or DCF valuation. Only when those two methods aren’t possib
Balance Sheet
Balance sheet is one of the three main financial statements (others are income statement and cash flow statement). Balance sheet also might be called a statement of financial position because this statement expla
intangible assets
All assets can be classified to three main groups: tangible assets, financial assets and intangible assets. intangible assets are those assets that aren’t financial and don’t have a real physical form
Tangible Assets
Basically all assets can be divided in tangible assets or non-tangible assets (intangible and financial). Tangible assets are those assets that exist physically and the value of them depends on their physical con
Capital Adequacy Ratio
Capital adequacy ratio is the main financial ratio for banks to measure whether the bank has enough of capital on which depends the riskiness of the bank. Banks are borrowing money from other depositors and it is