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Investing in Africa
Investing in Africa even sounds a little extreme. But investing in Africa not only sound extremely - it is like this in fact. If we would distinguish developed and emerging markets, then most of the Africa’s countr
Investing in Russia
Investing in Russia has gotten really widely promoted for the last period. I can remember the talks that stocks in Russia are the cheapest over the world for not less than year. The fact, that those stocks are st
Investment in Bulgaria
Starting from the very beginning I will try to make clear why I am bullish about investing Bulgarian stock market. At first I would suggest to look at the chart below. Five year Bulgarian stock market in
Investing in Land - Agricultural REITs
Investing in land I have noticed an increased interest in agricultural land investments during the last period. And I can it understand completely. When stocks are so volatile and bonds may offer such low return
How to Beat the Stock Market
Investing is good, but the real challenge for every portfolio manager is to beat the stock market, or beat the market. Of course the term ‘market’ is not very exact. In reality to beat the market is t
Baltic Investment
Baltic Stock Exchange Baltic stock exchange now belongs to the world gigantic stock exchange NASDAQ OMX, and now is called NASDAQ OMX Baltic. Historically Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia had their own nati
(Are you looking for investment definition?) Investments are instruments that allow us to receive a higher amount of money than was spent. If someone spends 10 euros or dollars and he knows that he will receive
Derivative Financial Instruments Derivatives are so called because they are constructed from other traditional securities, and operate the rights to them. Apart from the fact that there are some basic derivative instrum
Investment in Options
Options are very known derivatives and especially popular among investing speculators. Options has some attraction: every successful prediction can grow up invested amount a lot of times very quickly and potentia
Investment in index-Linked Bonds
index-linked bonds are also known as structured bonds. This product is more popular in immature investment markets, where investors are not sufficiently educated. Diversity of index-linked bonds can be very high,
Investment in Actively-Managed Funds
Active Mutual (Investment) Funds Actively managed investment funds usually are those mutual funds that choose not copy the index (benchmark), but is trying to beat it, so could give for investing person a higher return,
Investment in index Funds
Investment index funds are contrast to the actively managed funds. These funds do not try to exceed the benchmark, openly saying that just going to keep with it.And the serious advantage of them – applied f
Investment in ETF Funds
ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) Investment in ETFs has become increasingly popular pushing out traditional investment funds. Few main factors added to popularity of this investment: availability of ETF's and low taxes compar
Value Investing
Investment strategy - Value Investing Investing in value stocks is fundamentally different from investing in the growth companies. Stocks of growth company will rise up impressively during bull market when value
Investments in Ultra ETF
Ultra ETF by most characteristics is similar to normal ETF but there is one main difference: if Ultra ETF follows the same index as normal ETF does, it makes it twice. For example, if normal ETF follows index tha
Investment in Normal ETF
Normal ETF (exchange-traded fund) is an ETF that is not a Short ETF/Ultra ETF. Usually ETF is a traded index fund that follows some specific index (might be various indices: equities, bonds, commodities, specific
Investment in Short ETF
Investment in Short ETF is very different from regular investing. “Short” – means short selling transactions when securities are loaned and sold with obligation to return it after some pre-agree
Investment in Ultra Short ETF
Investment in Ultra Short ETFs combines characteristics of both: Ultra ETF’s and Short ETF’s. The value of Ultra Short ETF changes twice in opposite direction to the value of index which is followed b
Market Capitalization
Market capitalization (market cap) is a company’s value (price) on the stock exchange. Market capitalization is calculated by multiplying the outstanding share number by the last share price on the exchange
Equity Fund
An equity fund is a mutual fund that is investing in equity (stocks). Equity fund can be actively managed, index fund, listed index fund (ETF) and can invest in some specific sectors or regions, or can invest glo
Derivatives are securities (financial instruments) that are created by financial intermediaries synthetically, and are based on price or value of some primer assets or indicator. Usually such underlying assets ar
Investment Management Fees
Investment management fees (fees that are paid straight to investment manager) basically are one of these types: Performance based fee. Performance based fee is calculated according to increase of inve
Total Expense Ratio
‘Total expense ratio shows all expenses of investment fund. It is a good measure that shows you how much of different fees you are really paying when investing in some fund. Total expense ratio is a percent
Investment Performance Measurement
Many investors are happy about investment managers until the stock market is growing, but when the decline starts investment managers gets only the worst words about their job. However, this is wrong attitud
Treynor Ratio
Treynor ratio is another popular ratio that is used to measure the performance of investment portfolio. This ratio compares the excess return (above risk free return) of a portfolio to beta of that portfolio. Whi
Inflation is a percent that reflects a price increase of goods and services portfolio. When inflation occurs, money is losing its purchasing power. For example, if inflation would keep at 8% for 9 years (it would
Inflation Linked Bonds
Inflation linked bonds (or inflation indexed bonds) are bonds that have their principal linked to inflation, which means the value of the bond principal increases together with inflation. Such bonds are offering
P/S Ratio
Price to Sales Ratio P/S ratio shows the price of the stock compared to its sales. This ratio historically was quiet popular, but now EV/S ratio, which is more correct methodically, is used.
Stock Valuation
Stock valuation is very important part of investing in stocks, and this part is the most time consuming and knowledge requiring. Stock valuation is a necessary and main step at stock picking process. The only way
CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) is method widely used for equity cost calculation. Equity cost should show the return that investor should expect/seek from an investment that contains specific level of risk.&n
Portfolio Manager
A portfolio manager is an investment professional that takes over the management of an investment portfolio. There are many types of managed investment portfolios: mutual funds, pension funds, insurance funds, po
index Options
index options are derivative financial instruments that provide for the buyer of the option the right (possibility) to make profits from index value changes. It may be a good investing instrument for the investor
Active Investment
Active investment (management) is opposite to passive investment and means that investments are managed by some investment professional that picks the securities according to investment market tendencies and
Passive Investment
Passive investment (management) is an investment style when investors skips the steps of securities picking and market timing and invests mainly in index funds that have the lowest expenses. P
Investment Management Business
Investment management business is a large part of a financial industry and is very important for investment banks and other investment companies because investment management business has quite good profitability
What is beta? Beta is a ratio that measures volatility of an investment in relation to the whole market. In other words, it shows how the price of stock was changing compared to the whole market. Theoretically,