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Investing in Africa
Investing in Africa even sounds a little extreme. But investing in Africa not only sound extremely - it is like this in fact. If we would distinguish developed and emerging markets, then most of the Africa’s countr
Investment in Bulgaria
Starting from the very beginning I will try to make clear why I am bullish about investing Bulgarian stock market. At first I would suggest to look at the chart below. Five year Bulgarian stock market in
What to Do With Investments in Current Turbulence?
The question is really not an easy one. The problem is that there is no left any good investments on this world. Let’s looks at the most topical investments classes: Stocks. Even before
US Debt Relief
Let me give you few facts at first that we would now what are we talking about: The General government gross debt in percent of GDP in the United States was reported at 83.21 percent of GDP in 2009 (90% of GDP
Foundation of the Europes financial Market
The key question in Europe now is how European Union will look after few years from now. This question is the most important at these days for all the Europe and may have affect to the entire world.
Bond Investment: Government Bonds and Corporate Bonds
Corporate Bonds and Government Bonds Today I want to discuss another untraditional topic. However, this topic concerns the most traditional investments – bonds. Bonds been used for very long time a
How ECB Is Affecting Investment Markets?
Today was announced very interesting news. The news is about the fact that ECB (European Central Banks) lends 489 billion of Euros to the banks. It is a really huge amount of capital that flows from ECB to the fi
Problems in Greece: Is It Going to End?
Greece sounds like a curse for all investors and all other participants of the financial market. Yes, it is a small country compared to the global or European economy by the size of a GDP or other economical indi
Baltic Investment
Baltic Stock Exchange Baltic stock exchange now belongs to the world gigantic stock exchange NASDAQ OMX, and now is called NASDAQ OMX Baltic. Historically Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia had their own nati
European Dividend Stocks
Before getting to the exact stocks, at first, please let me explain why I have chosen European dividend stocks as a topic. For the beginning, lets solve the question why dividend stocks. The true is that many inv
Investment psychology gains momentum in contemporary business world
Many individuals make rational investment decisions, but others are swayed by their emotions, serving as clear-cut illustration of just how the mindset and behavior can affect finances, and this is an important a
Learning the basic investment concept: a good start in investing
The first step in investing is learning the investment concept itself. It is very important that you understand the basic rules in investing in order for your investment to profit and to prevent losses. As we all know,
Investing in financial institutions: why and how?
A banking expert had said that conducting a thorough study on the financial health of a bank or credit institution is very important in investing. Actually, this is the investor’s primary homework, and this
How Oil Price Influence Investment Markets?
After Saudi and Russia decisions to increase supply oil has smashed to the unseen levels. But, what's next? Everything revolves around oil and it's inevitable that the fluctuations in the oil industry will
Tips to let small business investments take off
Studies show that small business investments peter out or fall by the wayside within the first two to three years after the owners have started investing and operating. Lack of planning, management skill, or tech
(Are you looking for investment definition?) Investments are instruments that allow us to receive a higher amount of money than was spent. If someone spends 10 euros or dollars and he knows that he will receive
Interest Coverage Ratio
Interest coverage ratio shows company’s ability to pay interests for its financial debts. Interest coverage ratio is a ratio between operating profit (EBIT to be more exact) and expenses for interests. The
Sortino Ratio
Sortino ratio is a financial ratio that is used to measure the performance of investment portfolio and is very similar to a Sharpe ratio. The main difference between Sortino ratio and Sharpe ratio is that Sharpe
Derivative financial Instruments Derivatives are so called because they are constructed from other traditional securities, and operate the rights to them. Apart from the fact that there are some basic derivative instrum
Investment in Stocks
Stocks (shares) are investments that attract the most attention in financial markets, and perhaps stocks are worth it, because investors can expect the highest return from stocks among the range of traditional investme
Investing for Retirement
Investing for retirement may be one of the most reasonable investment objectives. Sometimes, people invest so they can afford expensive things that they otherwise could not afford without investing. For example
Investment in Bonds
Debt (fixed income) securities Bonds are fixed income securities and the principle of them is simple - the issuer of the bonds attracts the money from the investors and commits to pay back for the investors until end of
Investment in Cash
Bank (saving) Accounts, Deposits, Deposit Certificates, Treasure Bills, Money Market Funds When we are talking about investment, cash is not only the real paper (or metal) money that are held in the wallet or under the
Investment in Commodities
Investment in Oil, gold, Silver, Copper, Wheat Commodities (raw materials) are indeed a tangible asset class, but it can be also assigned to financial investments, because in current days most investments in commo
Asset Management
Definition Asset management which also is called as investment management has many similarities to finance management but investment management is more specific and narrow area of finance. Invest
Non-financial Investments
When talks go about investing and investments everybody focuses on financial investments forgetting that spectrum of investments is much broader. Investment in non-financial investments is also popular, especiall
Terminal Value
Terminal value is a value of the business (or other asset) used in discounted cash flow (DCF) method that is added after the discontinuing of the cash flow forecasting. DCF valuation is based on the sum
Investing in Commodities Directly
Investment in Oil, Gold, Silver Directly Commodities has been already described as financial investment. It was assigned to financial investments because investors are investing in commodities not directly but w
Direct Investment
Investment in Tangible Assets Direct investment are very wide issue to study, but it‘s not so close to traditional investing. Direct investments are more related with business development and would depend
Investment in Futures
Futures - derivative financial instruments, which can help to acquire some object in the future with pre-agreed price.In the case of futures, the seller undertakes to sell the object, while the buyer to purchase
Investment in Forwards
Forwards – derivative financial instruments almost identical to the future contracts. This contract represents the parties committed to sell and buy the object at the predetermined time and price.Difference between
Investment in Options
Options are very known derivatives and especially popular among investing speculators. Options has some attraction: every successful prediction can grow up invested amount a lot of times very quickly and potentia
Investment in Swaps
Swaps - an investment tool used rarely at investing process. Typically, these contracts are used by financial institutions or other big companies in order to exchange cash flows in different currencies. In fact,
Investment in Actively-Managed Funds
Active Mutual (Investment) Funds Actively managed investment funds usually are those mutual funds that choose not copy the index (benchmark), but is trying to beat it, so could give for investing person a higher return,
Investing Benefits For Beginners
Is the investment really worth it? Many investing beginners ask a question: why to invest? There can be different answers. Some might even say that is not worth to invest. Why let your money into uncertainty if yo
Net Debt
Definition 'Net debt' is used quite often in finance and it is equal to financial liabilities of the company that are reduced by the cash amount (and cash equivalents) that are held by the company.
Finance Management
financial management, asset management, investment management, wealth management in fact are similar processes only called in different names. An investments definition may include both financial assets and real
Investment Manager
Investment management or finance management are particularly a lot of attention and responsibility requiring areas. It does not matter whether you manage your money whether corporate funds, in any case, it is important t
Investment Adviser
Investment advisor/adviser does the same jog as investment consultant does. But investment advisor is a term used by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). So usually investment advisor refers to a company
Speculation is an investment action made under intentions to earn large profits in short term. Usually such actions are very risky and lays somewhere between investing and gambling. It is hard to say where exactl
Investment Definition
Investment definition may have two meanings: 1) An investment as a process (investing) when tangible or financial assets are acquired on purpose to earn more money (or other material benefits) than was s
Investment Techniques
Investment techniques are some combination of investment strategies and investment tactics. Investment techniques usually are middle term oriented procedures that help to reach some predetermined result. It may i
Investment Industry
An investment industry is a part of whole financial industry of the world. Finance sector includes not only investment industry but also other financial services: corporate finance, public finance, insurance
Investment Terms
Investment terms are most popular phrases and word combinations used in investment process. Most of the investment and financial terms you can find on investment dictionary.
financial Market
A financial market is a term widely used to describe virtual place/mechanism that allows meeting the sellers and buyers of the investment and other financial products. In current times buyers and sellers do not m
OTC Market
OTC (Over-The-Counter) market is decentralized market where financial assets are traded. Decentralized market means a contrast to the exchange trading. OTC market doesn’t have one place (no physical, no vir
Stock Market
A stock market represents all the stocks (shares) that are issued and traded or just held. Stock market (equity market) is a part of a whole financial market but more extensive term than Stock Exchange. Stock Exc
Global financial Market
A global financial market is a totality of all worlds’ financial markets. Every decent country has a Security Exchange and larger states have few or several of them. As financial markets includes not o
Bond Market
A bond market includes all the bonds (debt securities) that are issued and traded or just held. Bond market is a part of a whole financial market. This market covers all the fixed income securities that are
Derivative Market
A derivative market is a totality of derivatives (futures, forwards, options, swaps and other) that have been created over the world. Some of the derivatives are standardized and are traded on Exchanges whil
Commodity Market
A commodity market is one of the main financial market parts. Commodities are basic resources that are extracted from earth or are the result from agriculture activities. Some commodities, like cheese are already
FOREX Market
FOREX market (foreign exchange market) is a global network of trading in different currencies. It is the most liquid financial market with huge turnovers continuously without breaks. Lot commercial banks, central
Dividend Payout Ratio
Payout ratio is a percentage that shows a portion of company’s income distributed as dividends. Formula Dividend payout ratio = common shares dividends / net income *For the sam
Asset Management
Asset management is a process when assets acquired, monitored and sold on purpose to achieve optimal investment results. There is no strong difference between investment management and asset management. However,
Stock Exchange
A stock exchange is an operator/company that takes bids from the sellers and buyers and executes transactions if conditions allow it. Usually stock exchanges offer trading not only for stocks but also for other f
Buying on Margin
Buying on Margin Costs of Buying Stocks on Margin Margin Call The Pros and Cons Psychology: Is it worth? Buying on margin gets popularity during every strong bull market. Unfortunately, it be
Investment Group
An investment group is an organization, which activity is closely related with investment. Still there can be no exact definition what investment group does because they might have different juridical forms
financial Investment Group
financial investment group usually is different from capital investment group. Regularly financial investment group includes a brokerage firm and provides standard functions: financial consultations, investment m
Venture Capital
A venture capital is a capital provided by capital investment groups or private equity funds for small start up businesses. There are not many opportunities for young fast growing companies. If they
Pension Funds
Pension funds are investment funds established on purpose to generate income for retirement. They are very useful in economy when society gets older and number of population decreases, because a working class is
Derivatives are securities (financial instruments) that are created by financial intermediaries synthetically, and are based on price or value of some primer assets or indicator. Usually such underlying assets ar
Securities are financial instruments that represent rights to some assets. Securities can be listed or non-listed. Listed securities are traded on securities exchanges, which commonly are called as stock exchange
Institutional Investment
Institutional investment is an investment that is made by an organization/institution. Usually, institutional investments are large scale and has important role in financial markets. Most institutional investment
Retail Investor
A retail investor is a small investor, which normally is an individual. Most of the investors in financial markets are retail investors, but retail investor makes an investments in much smaller amounts than
Blue Chip Stocks
Blue chip stocks are stocks of the biggest large cap companies. Blue chip stocks usually are safer than average investment in stocks, have stable cash flow and pay stable dividends according dividend policy. Blue
Investment Report
An investment report is a for investors prepared document on purpose to provide useful and objective information that would help to make an investment decision. Investment report may have many for
Hedge (Hedging)
Hedge (hedging) is protection of investment portfolio against fluctuations using financial instruments. Hedge is very popular at investment theory, but not so popular at investment practice. In theory everything
Investment Bank
An investment bank is a financial institution that has a license of bank and specializes exclusively on investment services. In the USA investment banking services was separated from other banking activity u
Business Valuation
The goal of business valuation is to determine the correct market value of a business. Usually business valuation is performed by professional valuators / assessors who have required qualifications for the job.&n
Investment Banking Services
Investment banking services are corporate finance services provided by investment banks. Investment banking includes such services like capital rising, securities issuing, IPO’s running, mergers and acquisitions
Brokerage Company
A Brokerage Company is a financial institution that has a license to provide intermediary services for a securities trading to the clients. Every retail client cannot by securities on stock exchange by himself be
Credit Union
A credit union is a financial intermediary institution controlled by its members, who brings deposits to the union and become a creditors of the institution. The principal services of the credit union are th
Commercial Bank
A commercial bank also commonly called just a bank is financial institution that has a license to provide financial services. The principal services provided by banks: Taking the deposits
financial Intermediary
A financial intermediary is a financial institution that works in a financial market connecting money owners (savers) and credit seekers (borrowers). Of course, financial intermediaries are active not only i
Life Insurance
A life insurance is a service provided by insurance companies trying to bring more financial stability in to the lives of people. Looking from investment point life insurance is two products c
Private Banking
Private banking is a service provided for the richest clients of the commercial bank. Such clients have designated personal banker from the institution and they can call to that personal banker for any financial
Physical Asset Market
A physical asset market is a market in which real products are traded. Physical asset market can also be called real asset market. Such real/tangible products traded in physical asset markets are gold, grain, mea
A corporation is a legal business form that is dominating over capital world. Most of the biggest businesses in the world are working under corporation form. Capital raising, transferring of shares, mergers &
financial Asset Markets
financial asset markets also called just financial markets. These are the markets, in which securities are traded.
Money Market
A money market is the market, in which money market investments are traded. Such money market investments can be deposits certificates, bills or other short term high grade fixed income securities.
Capital Markets
Capital markets are the markets, in which stocks and medium to long term bonds are traded. Could be said that capital markets include stock markets and bond markets and are a part of financial markets. C
Mortgage Markets
Mortgage markets are markets, in which credits, that include pledged real estate property, are created and traded. Usually in mortgage markets main players are financial institutions: retail banks sell such mortg
Junk Bonds
Junk bonds are bonds that have a speculative-grade credit rating, which is BB or lower. Junk bonds are riskier but they have higher yields. The spread between junk bond yield and safe bond yield (c
Enterprise Value
Enterprise value (EV) is a financial measure that is used to reflect the magnitude of the business. If market capitalization shows only the value of shareholders equity, enterprise value includes both: equity val
Investment Advisor
An investment advisor is a person or a company that is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and provides investment consultancies for remuneration. Investment advisor might provide consult
Investment Consultant
An investment consultant is a job position in financial companies. Main functions of investment consultant: Help private investors to make a proper investment strategy according to investors risk tolerance. A
Cheap Stocks
Cheap stocks are such stocks that are traded at low valuation multiples. For example, if you see a telecom or utility company of which P/E is equal to 6 and EV/EBITDA is equal to 3, you may say it is a cheap stoc
Value Stocks
Value stocks are opposite to growth stocks and attract investors not by growth perspectives but by stable cash and dividend flow. Market ratios (P/E, P/B and other) of value stocks are low and together with high
Holding Company
Holding company is a type of a company which main activity is to invest in other companies. Holding as itself does not do any activity instead of managing their subsidiary companies and searching for new investme
Investment Market
An investment market is a part of a financial market and represents all investments that were issued by corporations, governments or other entities. All the trades made by retail and institutional investors can b
Operating Leverage
An operating leverage is a company’s EBIT (earnings before taxes and financial operations) sensitivity to changes of sales. As the sensitivity is measured to operating income (close to EBIT), the
Corporate Finance
Corporate finance is a niche of finance that deals with financial questions related to corporations. The main goal of every company should be stockholders wealth maximization, but to achieve that m
financial Leverage
A financial leverage is a use of borrowed money to achieve more efficient capital structure. A borrowed capital is cheaper than equity capital most of the times. So usage of loaned money makes weighted average ca
Direct Investments in Stocks
Direct investments in stocks are investments made without financial intermediaries (only theoretically). It means an investor buys stock directly from the company without intermediation of stock exchange or broke
Corporate Investment
A corporate investment is investment made by one corporation into another. All corporations try to keep the growth of the business. Some do it only organically, while others also proceeds mergers & acquisitio
Investment management is a complete science and if you are expecting to become a professional investment manager in few hours you should get disappointed. However, there are several most important guidelines at i
Investment Performance Measurement
Many investors are happy about investment managers until the stock market is growing, but when the decline starts investment managers gets only the worst words about their job. However, this is wrong attitud
Investment Risk Management
There are several main methods of investment risk management: Diversification. Diversification is the easiest and most of the times the cheapest way to reduce risk level of the investment portfol
Quantitative Investment Management
Quantitative investment management says, “Don’t worry about investment management, and let to do the job for the computer”. It is a completely different approach compared to ‘value d
Sharpe Ratio
Sharpe ratio measures the above risk free performance of investment portfolio in relation to its risk. This ratio was developed by William F. Sharpe which introduced the ratio in 1966. Now Sharpe ratio is the mos
Working Capital
Working capital can be calculated from balance sheet data. There are few ways to calculate working capital, but the most accurate is this one (for operating working capital): Working capital = total curr
Foreign Direct Investment
Foreign direct investment (FDI) traditionally was understood as investment that is made by foreign country in direct assets, for example factory, including land, building and machinery. When financial markets evo
Return on Investment
Return on investment (ROI) is a percentage that shows profitability of an investment or investment portfolio. Return on investment calculation: CALCULATION: Return on investment = net in
Investment Finance
Investment finance is finance that is related to investment. Investment market is a part of financial market, so we can say that investment is a part of finance. Investment finance specializes on f
Repo (repurchase agreement) is a contract between the investor, who borrows money, and the lender who lends money and takes (buys and resells) securities for collateral, in case if the investor will default to re
Hyperinflation is an economical situation when inflation is extremely high. Regularly it is a result of inflation spiral and some disasters (as war), and is very dangerous for the economy. Just try imagine your b
P/E Ratio
P/E ratio is the most popular valuation multiple that is used for stock analysis. This ratio shows the price of the stock compared to its earnings. The multiple is so popular because of its simplicity and im
EV/S Ratio
Enterprise Value to Sales Ratio EV/S ratio shows how expensive firm is compared to its sales. This multiple is important when company is unprofitable or profits margins are very low and turnaround is expected in
EBITDA Multiple EV/EBITDA ratio shows how expensive firm is compared to its EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization). EV to EBITDA multiple is mostly used by professionals because
Inventory Turnover Formula
Inventory turnover formula helps to calculate inventory turnover ratio. There are few possible ways to calculate inventory turnover that are used in financial practice. You may see the formulas below:
Relative Valuation
Comparative analysis Relative valuation is stock valuation method that gained its popularity because of simplicity and practical importance. The key principle of relative valuation is about valuation multi
DCF Valuation
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis DCF valuation might be applied to any asset that generates positive free cash flow or is expected to generate that cash flow in the future. DCF valuation might be directly applied t
Replacement Cost Valuation
Replacement cost valuation method is not very popular at stock valuation. Most of the investors are picking stocks with help of relative valuation or DCF valuation. Only when those two methods aren’t possib
WACC (Weighted Average Capital Cost) shows cost of capital when capital is consisted of both equity and debt capital. So WACC simply calculates the weighted average between equity cost and debt cost.
CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) is method widely used for equity cost calculation. Equity cost should show the return that investor should expect/seek from an investment that contains specific level of risk.&n
Hedge Funds
Hedge funds are investment funds that use financial leverage and derivatives to achieve better investment results. The name of hedge fund came from hedging, which originally is a defensive investment strategy, bu
Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest is very sensitive problem at financial intermediaries when interests of different groups (owners, investors, employees or other) cross each other. All employees in investment market should
OIBDA or also called operating income before depreciation and amortization is a financial measure used to represent specific type of an income. There are many types of income and each of those has some advantages
Target Capital Structure
Target capital structure is a mix of equity and debt capital that maximizes value of the shares. Target capital structure may be achieved when WACC (Weighted Average Capital Cost) is minimal. If proportion of equ
Inventory Turnover Ratio
Inventory turnover ratio shows how quickly company’s inventory is changing compared to its sales or cost of goods sold. This ratio shows how effectively inventory is managed in company’s production/di
EBITDA Coverage Ratio
EBITDA coverage ratio (also called EBITDA to Interest Coverage Ratio) shows company’s capability to deal with its financial leverage. If this ratio is too low, that may show company is in trouble and may ha
EBITDA margin is a profitability margin that shows how much of EBITDA earns company’s revenue relatively. The EBITDA margin is the best for profitability comparison of the companies if you want to measure e
Profit Margin
Profit margin normally refers to net profit margin, which is net profit divided by sales. But one should remember that profit might be of different kinds (net profit, pretax profit, EBIT, EBITDA and gross profit)
ROE (Return on Equity) shows profitability of company’s book value. Company’s book value (equity) is equal to company’s assets less liabilities, and ROE is usually higher if company ha
ROA (Return on Assets) shows what profits are earned by company’s assets. Of course, assets alone usually do not earn the profit, because most of the times profit is the result of know-how and hard work of
Margin Call
Buying on Margin Costs of Buying Stocks on Margin Margin Call The Pros and Cons Psychology: Is it worth? Margin call is a fabulous term which carries some mysticism. However, there is nothing
The Pros and Cons of Buying on Margin
Buying on Margin Costs of Buying Stocks on Margin Margin Call The Pros and Cons of Buying on Margin Psychology of Buying on Margin: Is it worth? The opportunity provided by buying on margin i
Psychology of Buying on Margin: Is it worth?
Buying on Margin Costs of Buying Stocks on Margin Margin Call The Pros and Cons of Buying on Margin Psychology of Buying on Margin: Is it worth? For the conclusion I would like to say that bu
financial Investment
financial investment is any financial asset that should provide a return for investor. financial asset is an asset that doesn’t have tangible form and has some financial obligations to its owner. All securi
Trading Platform
Trading platform is an electronic tool provided by brokerage company or other financial intermediary that allows for investor to buy and sell stocks or other securities using his computer. In other words trading
M&A (mergers & acquisitions) is a field of corporate finance in which corporations are acquiring other companies or are merging in between. Theoretically it doesn’t sound very impressive, but in rea
A merger is a deal when two (theoretically possible more) companies are merging in between to achieve synergy. Mergers are part of M&A market and differ from acquisition by payment method for the stake. In me
Hostile Takeover
A hostile takeover is an acquisition of a target company when its management doesn’t want the company to be overtaken by another corporation. The target of a hostile takeover may be only listed company whic
White Knight
A white knight is a friendly (for the target) bidder who gives a better offer to acquire stake in the company than “hostile” bidder during hostile takeover. White knight is one of the strategies used
An underwriter is a company (normally an investment bank) that organizes the selling of new security issues for the corporations. It is a financial intermediary that buys new issues of securities (shares or bonds
Leveraged Buyout
A leveraged buyout (LBO) is a takeover of a company when debt capital is the main financing source for the acquisition and the acquired assets are used as collateral to receive the needed debt. The LBO may be exe
Risk Tolerance
Risk tolerance is a characteristic that describes the investor and his ability to withstand losses from investments. The higher risk tolerance of investor the more losses he/she may handle. Investm
Stock Option
A stock option is derivative financial instrument that gives the holder of the option the right to buy some particular stock at the predetermined strike price till the end of the option (or at the end, depending
financial Assets
There are two main investment (asset) classes: financial assets and non-financial (tangible) assets. Both of them may have similar characteristics as yielding or increasing in value over long period; but financia
Index Options
Index options are derivative financial instruments that provide for the buyer of the option the right (possibility) to make profits from index value changes. It may be a good investing instrument for the investor
High Return Investments
High-return investments (or high-yield investments) are investments that can provide the higher return than average investments, and of course such investments are riskier. The reality is that people have differe
Stock Trader
A stock trader is a speculator that is trying to make profits from quick changes in value of stocks or other securities that he trades. Stock trader have few differences from normal investor and the main differen
Investment Services
Investment services is a spectrum of financial services provided by investment banks, brokerage houses, investment management companies and other financial intermediaries that work in investment finance segment.
Best Investments
Best investments are always wanted, but the reality is that there are no best investments for everyone. And if such investment would exist then those investments would become an investment bubble and would not st
Investment Information
Investment information is crucial to make good investment decisions. It is information that may help to make good investment solution and would help to reach for better investment results. The deta
Personal Investing
Personal investing is investing when investments are made by an individual but not a corporation which is corporate investment. Personal investing is a part of personal finance that is responsible for pe
Valuation Consultants
Valuation consultants are professionals that know everything about the value of an asset or business. The real market value consists of many parts and all of them may have critical importance to the value. Only e
Company Valuation
Company valuation is the same as business valuation. The only difference between company valuation and business valuation may occur if value of company’s stocks has to be determined instead of the whole bus
Small Business Valuation
Small business valuation is not much different from standard business valuation. However, small business valuation is faster to perform because there is less financial and business data to analyze and less time c
Finance Advisor
A finance advisor is a job title for a person who provides financial consultations for the clients. financial advisor also includes functions of an investment advisor but may include more financial advisory funct
Stock Price
A stock price is the last price of a share (stock) that was traded in a stock exchange for a particular stock. If stock exchange is closed at the moment, then the last stock price will be closing price for that s
Buying Stocks
Buying stocks is an easy thing. Of course, it is harder to pick good stocks. Every person, that has some capital, can open a trading platform and buy stocks, but the goal is not only to buy the stocks but to make
Stock Symbol
Stock symbol is symbol that is created for stocks by stock exchange to be easier recognizable for participants of the financial market. Stock symbol mostly is called as stock ticker.
Stock Ticker
A stock ticker also called as a stock symbol actually is some code that is given for a p stock. Every stock that is listed on any stock exchange has some stock ticker by which is recognized. The stock ticker is n
(1) Market liquidity is a characteristic of a security or other traded investment that shows how easy it is convertible in to cash at a market value. Usually when investor decides to sell some investment and
A broker is an intermediary that helps for retail or other investors buy their investments. Broker can be as a person (job title) or a brokerage company that acts as a financial intermediary between the seller an
Investment Management Salaries
The media always pay a lot of attention to investment management salaries and maybe those salaries are worth it. Investment management business as investment management consulting or investment fund management re
Investment Management Business
Investment management business is a large part of a financial industry and is very important for investment banks and other investment companies because investment management business has quite good profitability
Investment Management Process
Investment management process has several functions: Macroeconomics analysis and estimates Research of industry sectors Security picking Asset allocation Market timing financial news covering Securitie
Small Business Investors
Small business investors are private investors or business investors that are investing in to small businesses. Small businesses are also in need for capital and the best source for that capital might a bank beca
financial Statements
financial statements are periodically by the companies issued reports that provide the most important financial information about company’s financial condition and success of activity. There
Income Statement
Income statement (also called statement of operations, profit and loss statement, P&L or other) is one of three main financial statements reported by the companies periodically. Income statement exposes compa
Balance Sheet
Balance sheet is one of the three main financial statements (others are income statement and cash flow statement). Balance sheet also might be called a statement of financial position because this statement expla
Cash Flow Statement
Cash flow statement is one of the three main financial statements (others are income statement and balance sheet). If income statement exposes income that was received according accounting standards, cash flow st
Earnings are calculated gains of the company and should represent the profit of that business. There are several types of earnings: Retained earnings are equal to net profit less dividends. Net earnin
Profit is a term used in various finance fields and may have many meanings. Basically profit is the positive difference between the income and costs. If costs are higher than income, then instead of profit loss w
The term income may have several meanings. In corporate finance it basically means profit or earnings that are equal to revenue less expenses. But in some cases income may also indicate company’s revenue bu
Net Income
Net income (net profit) is a financial indicator of the company that shows the real profitability of the business in accordance to its capital structure. Net income is equal to all revenue and gains less all expe
Loss (net loss) is a financial situation of the company when its revenue is lower than expenses. It is natural that every company tries to receive a profit instead of a loss, but not every succeeds that. Some com
Gross Margin
Gross margin is profitability percentage that shows the ratio between gross income and revenue. Gross margin is usually calculated when there is a need to compare company’s competiveness and effectiveness i
Operating Income
Operating income (operating profit) is the type of company’s profit that comes from operating activity. That means operating profit is lower than gross income by operating expenses but higher than pre-tax p
Operating Margin
Operating margin is a profitability percentage that shows what company’s profit margin is before it pays interests and taxes. Operating margin simply ignores capital structure (because ignores financial act
EBIT (also called Earnings Before Interest and Taxes) is a financial indicator of the company that provides information about company’s profitability while ignoring the impact of capital structure and corpo
financial Analysis
financial analysis is an important part of investing, especially if investor wants better results from his investments. Of course it is possible to ignore financial analysis and make investment decisions based on
Profitability Analysis
The main purpose of profitability analysis is to determine the profit margin and compare it to the appropriate financial data. Profitability should not be confused with return because profitability is based on so
Return analysis is different from profitability analysis because usually return is measured as a profitability of the assets, investments, capital or other similar asset group but not as a profitability of the re
Debt Coverage Ratio
Debt coverage ratio (debt service coverage ratio) is a ratio that measures solvency risk and mostly is applied for property projects. There are many debt coverage ratios that are used in financial practice on thi
Solvency analysis takes an important part in financial analysis and mostly is used by creditors. Creditors of the business (bondholders, banks that provide loans) don’t care much if company’s profit w
Debt to Equity
Debt to equity ratio (also known as D/E ratio, Debt/Equity) measures how big is company’s debt compared to its book capital (equity). The higher is the debt to equity ratio the higher is the insolvency risk
Debt to Asset Ratio
Debt to asset ratio (also called as D/A ratio, Debt/Asset) measures how big is company’s debt compared to its assets. Debt to asset ratio is very similar to debt to equity (D/E) ratio but normally is lower
Debt to EBITDA
Debt to EBITDA (also known as D/EBITDA or Debt/EBITDA) is widely used ratio that measures how big company’s debt is compared to its EBITDA (earnings before interest taxes depreciation and amortization). EBI
financial Planning
financial planning is a type of financial analysis of which goal is to predict financial situation of the object in the future. There are two main trends where financial planning can be applied: in corporate fina
Turnover Ratio
(1) Turnover ratio of mutual fund shows how quickly assets of the fund are changing. Actively managed investment funds have higher turnover ratio than passively managed funds, and normally turnover ratio is measu
Cash Debt Coverage Ratio
‘Cash debt coverage ratio’ (also known as ‘current cash debt coverage ratio’) measures company’s ability to repay its debts. Basically, it compares cash flow that is received from op
Cash Coverage Ratio
Cash coverage ratio measures company’s ability to repay its debts. It compares EBITDA (type of earnings) of the company and interest that is paid for company’s debts annually. EBITDA is not exactly eq
financial Forecasting
financial forecasting is a part of financial planning and also a part of a DCF valuation. But usually financial planning covers only a period of year or two while financial forecasting regularly covers about five
financial Planning Process
financial planning process requires the most professionalism and attention to the every detail. While financial planning estimates main financial indicators or financial statements, the process of it includes als
Strategic financial Planning
Strategic financial planning is a bit different from standard financial planning because standard financial planning focuses on a budget which is detailed estimation of financial statements when strategic financi
Working Capital Management
Why Working Capital Is Important? Working capital is one of the main parts of company’s finances and every manager, even of the small company, manages working capital despite the fact he knows about that o
Working Capital Calculation
There are few modifications of working capital calculation. All data that are needed for working capital calculation can be found in balance sheet (which is one the three main financial statements).
Investments in Blue Chip Stocks
Stock investments require high degree of financial knowledge and the understanding of market realities, but only if you are seeking for the most efficient result. Yet, the reality is that there are millions of pe
Investments in Small Cap Stocks
Investments in Small Cap Stocks Investments in small cap stocks could be compared to penny stock investments but the term ‘penny stocks’ is not specific enough. The thing is that the determination of
Stocks and Commodities
You may ask how stocks and commodities related are. And the answer is simple: everything is related and especially in financial markets. Normally, if some of the main asset class (as stocks) looses or gains
Earnings Estimate
Earnings estimate is a forecast for income of the closest future period. Earnings estimate usually is calculated by the employees of analyzed company or analysts of other financial companies. Normally, earnings e
Pro Forma
Pro forma is a type of financial statement that reflects financial information under some conditional basis. For example, if company has discontinued some activity, it may provide normal income statement and pro
Cost of Debt
Cost of debt shows what the capital cost of the company for its debt capital is. Basically company’s capital consists of two parts: debt capital and equity capital. (A mixed capital like mezzanine financing
Opex (operating expense) are expenses of the business and are related to the operational activity of the company. Basically, every company has few types of expenses: COGS (cost of sales) include costs t
Cost of Debt Calculation
The cost of debt is easy to calculate if they are required data. Actually, there are few methods to get the cost of debt, but some of those are more accurate some less. If you want that your result would be more
Price to Free Cash Flow
Price to free cash flow (P/FCF) or EV/FCF ratio are ratios that compare company's price to its free cash flow. The main difference between those two ratios is that EV/FCF also includes the eff
Price to Cash Flow Ratio
Price to cash flow ratio (P/CF) and EV/CF ratio are similar but there are some differences. The main difference is that EV/CF also includes the effect of company’s financial debt which says a different
Free Cash Flow Yield
Free cash flow yield (FCF yield) show how much of cash that may be distributed to shareholders the business earns compared to its price on the stock exchange (including both: equity value and debt value or just e
Capex (capital expenditure) is company’s investment in long-term assets that are needed to continue the business or for future’s growth. The perfect examples of capital expenditure can be an acquisiti
Operating Cash Flow
Operating cash flow or ‘cash flow from operations’ (CFFO) is one of the most important among financial indicators and is used to measure company’s results in cash terms. While net income or oper
EBITA (earnings before interest, taxes and amortization) is a financial indicator that shows company’s earnings which are equal to pretax profit plus corporate tax and amortization. EBITA is
Cash Investments
Cash investments are the safest investments over short-term period. Such investments include saving accounts, certificates of deposit, money market instruments (treasury bills, money market funds). The main crite
Sector is a segment of an economy that distinguishes oneself by some characteristics that belongs to that segment. There are a lot of different classifications used in practice to classify different business segm
Economic Cycle
What is economical cycle? An economic cycle means the repeated changes of the economical trends. While during very long economical period economy always has up-trend because of technological evolution and increa
Cost of Capital
Capital of every company consists of two parts: equity capital and debt capital (only if company has no financial debts it has only equity capital). Both these capital sources have their costs and this is cost of
What is beta? Beta is a ratio that measures volatility of an investment in relation to the whole market. In other words, it shows how the price of stock was changing compared to the whole market. Theoretically,
Annual Report
Annual report is a report on company’s activity issued each year. Not every company issues an annual report and mostly such reports are issued by public companies or those that are preparing going public.&n
Intangible Assets
All assets can be classified to three main groups: tangible assets, financial assets and intangible assets. Intangible assets are those assets that aren’t financial and don’t have a real physical form
Tangible Assets
Basically all assets can be divided in tangible assets or non-tangible assets (intangible and financial). Tangible assets are those assets that exist physically and the value of them depends on their physical con
NOPAT (‘net operating profit after tax’ or ‘after tax operating profit’) is equal to operating profit less taxes. It is adjusted by tax rate because the part cost of debt which is part of
Return on Invested Capital
Return on invested capital (ROIC) or also called return on capital is a financial ratio employed to measure nominal company’s return that is earned by capital invested in operating asset. Basically return o
financial Ratios
financial ratios are ratios that are used in financial analysis or in other words that are using financial data of a company. Such financial data usually is found in financial statements (income statement, balanc
Accounts Payable Turnover
Accounts payable turnover ratio shows how quickly company is paying to its suppliers for services or goods and materials. If payables turnover is very low, it may signify different reasons behind it: Company i
Fixed Asset Turnover
Fixed asset turnover ratio is a financial ratio that measures how much of sales are created by company’s property, plant and equipment. The ‘higher asset turnover’ is the better, because it mean
Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental analysis is the type of financial analysis that relies on company’s fundamentals. Those fundamentals depend on the target of the analysis. For example, fundamental analysis of stock depends on i
Technical Analysis of Stocks
Technical analysis of stocks is widely known type of stock analysis. Technical analysis is completely opposite to fundamental analysis. While fundamental analysis relies on company’s ability to generate cas
Coverage Ratios
Coverage ratios are financial ratios that measure the ability of the company to repay its financial liabilities. Such ratios compare company’s operating income (or other type of income) or operating cash fl
Receivables Turnover
Receivables turnover ratio (also called as accounts receivable turnover) is a financial ratio that measures how efficiently company collects its receivables. If receivables turnover is very low, it means company
Average Collection Period
Average collection period is a financial ratio that is used to measure how fast company collects its receivables. ‘Average collection period’ shows what is the average time period till company gets ca
Quick Ratio
Quick ratio (also called ‘acid test ratio’) is a financial ratio that measures company’s financial liquidity. This ratio compares company’s most liquid assets and short-term liabilities. I
Capital Employed
Capital employed is a value of capital investments in a company. Basically, the capital of each company can be classified in these types of capital: Equity capital Debt capital Working capital
Current Ratio
Current ratio is a financial ratio that measures company’s financial liquidity in short term. In simple words, this ratio compares company’s short-term assets to its short term liabilities. If short-t
Cash Ratio
Cash ratio is a financial ratio that measures company’s financial liquidity over short term. It compares company’s cash reserves to short-term liabilities. If ‘cash ratio’ is high, it may
Equity Ratio
Equity ratio is a financial ratio that compares company’s equity to assets. Basically, it shows what part equity capital makes in total capital of a company. If ‘equity ratio’ is very high (clos
Return on Capital Employed
Return on capital employed ratio (ROCE) measures company’s return compared to its employed capital. Return in this case is some kind of profit (mostly EBIT or NOPAT) and the capital employed means equity ca
Capital Adequacy Ratio
Capital adequacy ratio is the main financial ratio for banks to measure whether the bank has enough of capital on which depends the riskiness of the bank. Banks are borrowing money from other depositors and it is
Net Interest Income
Net interest income is an indicator that measures lending business performance of a financial institution. Basically, it is equal to interest income from loans and other assets less interest expenses for deposits
Interest Rate Spread
‘Interest rate spread’ is a very important measure for banks and other financial institutions. As money lending is the core business for most of the banks, it is very important that this operational s
Net Interest Margin
Net interest margin shows the profitability of the lending business for a bank or other financial institution. Lending business is the core business for most of the banks, and the profitability of this operational segmen
Cost/Income Ratio
Cost/income ratio is very popular financial ratio in bank analysis. This ratio measures the relation of bank’s operating costs to operating income. Basically, lower ratio is better because means higher prof
Non-Performing Loan Ratio
Non-performing loan ratio measures the quality of the loan portfolio of the financial institution. This financial ratio compares non-performing loans to the total loan portfolio (loans are assets for the bank), a
Loan to Deposit Ratio
Loan to deposit ratio is financial ratio used for banks or other financial institutions. This ratio compares bank’s loan portfolio to deposit portfolio and measures financial liquidity of the institution. &n
Loans to Assets Ratio
‘Loans to assets ratio’ is a financial ratio that usually is applied for banks (or credit unions) to measure the relation of the bank’s loan portfolio to the total assets. Providing loa
Reserve Ratio
Reserve ratio (reserve requirement or cash reserve ratio) is a ratio that is used by central bank of an area to regulate the financial market. This financial ratio compares the cash of the bank to the deposits th
Cash Turnover Ratio
Cash turnover ratio compares company’s sales to its cash and measures how effectively company is using cash assets. However, this financial ratio now is a bit outworn and is not very meaningful for most of
Liquidity Ratio
Liquidity ratio is a ratio that measures company’s liquidity. At first, it is needed to mention that liquidity may have two meanings: financial liquidity of a company or market liquidity of some asset. Liqu
Asset to Equity Ratio
Asset to equity ratio compares company’s assets to the book value and measures the riskiness of the company. This ratio cannot be lower than 1.0, and if it is equal to 1, it means that assets are equal to e
Total Debt Ratio
Total debt ratio compares total liabilities to total assets. The higher ratio represents riskier situation. And if this ratio is equal to 1.0, it would mean that liabilities are equal to assets or in other words
Total Debt
Definition The understanding of the total debt may be different depending on the experience of the user. Traditionally, ‘total debt’ includes financial liabilities of the company, although ot
Gross Debt
(1) Gross debt in corporate finance is often used as synonym for ‘total debt’, however there might be some differences depending on the version of the total debt. Technically, ‘gross debt’
Non-Operating Assets
Non-operating assets are assets of the company that aren’t used in the main activity of the company. Such assets can be either financial or non-financial. This asset type is very important during the valuat
Book Value
There are two main types of values that are used in finance: Book value Market value Book value is a value that is recorded in the balance sheet of a company. Every asset of the company must
Leverage definition In finance leverage means usage of debt capital in addition to the equity capital in order to increase the profit. Increase in leverage is understood as increase in riskiness and volatility.
Front-End Load
Front-end load (sales fee) was a very popular load fee in investment market for decades. This fee is paid by investors during the acquisition of mutual fund units and is some percentage (0%-5%) on the invested am
About Us
The website INVESTING FOR BEGINNERS EU was created in order to educate investors and other participants of the financial markets in accordance to the highest standards. Investment process is not re
Internal Rate of Return
An internal rate of return (IRR) is a ratio used very often to measure a profitability of some investment project. IRR is determined as a discount rate when NPV of the project is equal to zero. If IRR is higher t
Privately Held Corporation
Privately held corporation or closely held corporation is a company, which doesn’t have its shares listed on the stock exchange. If a corporation is closely held it not necessary means that it is small busi