Investing for Beginners , investing A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.
Bob Hope

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Investing in Africa
Investing in Africa even sounds a little extreme. But investing in Africa not only sound extremely - it is like this in fact. If we would distinguish developed and emerging markets, then most of the Africa’s countr

Investing in Russia
  Investing in Russia has gotten really widely promoted for the last period. I can remember the talks that stocks in Russia are the cheapest over the world for not less than year. The fact, that those stocks are st

(Are you looking for investment definition?)   Investments are instruments that allow us to receive a higher amount of money than was spent. If someone spends 10 euros or dollars and he knows that he will receive

Global Financial Market
  A global financial market is a totality of all worlds’ financial markets. Every decent country has a Security Exchange and larger states have few or several of them. As financial markets includes not o

Investment Portfolio
  An investment portfolio is a composition of different investments made on purpose to achieve the highest return at predetermined risk level. Investment portfolio can include all kinds of investments: stocks,

Diversified Investments
  Diversified investments are investments that are well diversified, which should include regional diversification, allocation between asset classes, sectors, maturity, denomination of currencies and other characte

  A diversification is an investment technique or a part of an investment strategy, which is used to reduce the investment risk of the portfolio, including in it larger number of different securities or other inves

Equity Fund
  An equity fund is a mutual fund that is investing in equity (stocks). Equity fund can be actively managed, index fund, listed index fund (ETF) and can invest in some specific sectors or regions, or can invest glo

Market Risk
  A market risk is a systematical risk that cannot be diversified. There are some risk factors that can make effect on the whole market: economical cycles, nature disasters, wars; and such are not diversifiable ris

Investment Risk Management
  There are several main methods of investment risk management:    Diversification. Diversification is the easiest and most of the times the cheapest way to reduce risk level of the investment portfol

  correlation is a statistical measure that shows the relationship between two objects. correlation may range between +1 and -1. If correlation between the objects is 0 that means they are not dependable on each ot

Stocks and Commodities
  You may ask how stocks and commodities related are. And the answer is simple: everything is related and especially in financial markets. Normally, if some of the main asset class (as stocks) looses or gains

  What is beta? Beta is a ratio that measures volatility of an investment in relation to the whole market. In other words, it shows how the price of stock was changing compared to the whole market. Theoretically,

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