Investment DictionaryAsset management Asset management is a process when assets acquired, monitored and sold on purpose to achieve optimal investment results. There is no strong difference between investment management and asset management. However, Investment management Company An investment Management Company or Asset Management Company is a firm that has a license and provides investment management services. Such management company can manage private investment portfolios, invest management Buyout A management buyout (MBO) is an acquisition of a company when company’s management gets the control interest in the company. Management buyout can be placed on if existing shareholders agree to sell their s Investment Fund management Investment fund management is not much different from simply investment management or asset management. Investment fund is large investment portfolio and the composition of that portfolio depends on particular fu Investment management System It is common to understand an investment management system as investment management software that helps in investment portfolio management. While other people believe that investment management system should do t Investment management Salaries The media always pay a lot of attention to investment management salaries and maybe those salaries are worth it. Investment management business as investment management consulting or investment fund management re Real Estate Investment management Real estate investment management is a management of real estate portfolio. Real estate investments are different from standard investments (securities) and management of real estate investments differs from inve Investment management Solutions Investment management solutions are not much different from investment management system and most of the times are applied as portfolio management software that helps in administration of investment management pr Investment management Consultations Investment management consulting is part of investment management business that helps for investors to manage their investments more effectively. Investment management is one of the most crucial step in personal Investment management Business Investment management business is a large part of a financial industry and is very important for investment banks and other investment companies because investment management business has quite good profitability Investment management Process Investment management process has several functions: Macroeconomics analysis and estimates Research of industry sectors Security picking Asset allocation Market timing Financial news covering Securitie | ![]() Recommended Topics Investment psychology gains momentum in contemporary business world Balance Sheet Most Popular Articles Investing in Gold (I) Investing in Gold (II) Investing in Uncertain Period